Just Launch It


Features Database

Just Launch It comes with all the necessary boilerplate for using DrizzleORM with TursoDB (and SQLite-powered database).

Create a new Turso DB

1. Sign up for a free Turso account at turso.tech.
2. Install the Turso CLI by following the instructions here.
3. Authenticate your Turso CLI by running and following the instructions.


1turso auth login
4. Create a new Turso database


1turso db create [database-name]
Note down the database URL for your newly created database and update your .env file with the URL.


5. Create a new DB token (used to connect to your database)


1turso db tokens create [database-name]
Update your .env file with the database auth token.



Setup initial database schema

Just Launch It comes with DrizzleORM and a pre-configured schema ready to go that includes everything required for common features such as user authentication and Stripe payment processing.
After setting up your database, run the following command to run the initial migrations to setup your DB schema.


1npm run migrate

Modifying your schema

As your project grows, modifying and adding to your schema may be required. This can be done by modifying the pre-defined schema in src/lib/server/database/schema.ts.
After making your changes to your models, you can automatically generate the required migrations using Drizzle Kit.


1npm run generate
To apply your migrations, run a migration command.


1npm run migrate

Inspecting your database

Drizzle Studio provides a convenient way to explore and inspect your database. To access it, run the following command:


1npm run studio
You can then visit your Drizzle Studio at https://local.drizzle.studio.