Just Launch It


Features Google Oauth


1. Create a new project in Google Cloud Console.
2. Go to APIs & Services > Oauth consent screen and fill out the required fields.
3. Go to Credentials and click + Create Credentials > OAuth client ID.
4. Choose Web application and fill out the required fields. For authorized javascript origins, be sure to add your domain https://your-domain.com, you can also optionally add your local domain as well for testing during development.
5. For Authorized Redirect URIs add https://your-domain.com/api/auth/callback/google.
6. Click Create.
7. Copy your Google Client ID and Google Secret into your .env file.
8. Go to Oauth Consent Screen and Publish App and submit for verification. Click Prepare for verification and fill in the missing details. Google will email you and you need to reply to start the process and have your domain verified with Goole Search Console.